The Elm City Freddy Fixer Parade Committee, Inc. (ECFFPC) offers sponsoring companies the opportunity to expand their reach and connect with new markets and partners.

As an ECFFPC sponsor, you will benefit from increased visibility and engagement in the Dixwell and Newhallville communities.
Sponsors gain direct access to 12,000 new contacts who participate as spectators and vendors during the combined Elm City Freddy Fixer Parade, Awards Gala, and Dixwell Elm City Freddy Fixer Neighborhood Festival events.
Furthermore, in collaboration with Citizen’s Television (CTV), the Elm City Freddy Fixer Parade Day is annually recorded and broadcasted approximately thirty (30) times a year on Comcast Xfinity’s Greater New Haven Channels. Exposure through CTV broadens the demographic of viewers who will notice your sponsorship from the comfort of their own homes, enhancing brand recognition.
Diamond Sponsor: $5,000 - $10,000
Full Page Ad in Awards Gala Program Book.
Free Admission to ECFFPC functions, including Festival & Gala. a) Sponsor Booth/Table at Dixwell Freddy Fixer Neighborhood Festival.
Logo & Link on Website/Facebook.
Logo on all Promotional Materials.
All Access Pass to Reviewing Stand on Parade Day.
Grandstand Banner.
Registration of Marching Unit in Parade.
Platinum Sponsor: $1,000 - $4,000
½ Page Ad in Awards Gala Program Book.
Logo & Link on Website/Facebook.
Logo on all Promotional Materials.
All Access Pass to Reviewing Stand on Parade Day.
Grandstand Banner.
Gold Sponsor: $500 - $999
¼ Page Ad in Awards Gala Program Book.
Logo & Link on Website/Facebook.
All Access Pass to Reviewing Stand on Parade Day.
Silver Sponsor: $250 - $499
Logo & Link on Website/Facebook.
All Access Pass to Reviewing Stand on Parade Day.